Jefferson Airplane Surrealistic Pillow Full Album Torrent

Box set containing the first 4 Jefferson Airplane albums; Jefferson Airplane Takes Off, Surrealistic Pillow, After Bathing At Baxter 's and Crown Of Creation. Mono and Stereo version of the first two albums are included. Jerry Garcia was heavily involved with the recording of Surrealistic Pillow and plays on at least two of the songs on that album. Surrealistic Pillow is the studio/Mixtape Album by artist/Rapper/DJ Jefferson Airplane, and Album has highlight a Rock, Folk sound. It was released/out on 1967 in English dialect, by some Music Recording Company, as the follow-up to last studio/Mixtape Album.

American band Jefferson Airplane was formed in San Francisco in the very moment when it began to develop and strengthen the movement of 'flower children'. The Group and its music - psychedelic rock - became a kind of icon for hippies. In the summer of 1965, when America was keen British band, filling her scene, and folk music, singer Martin Balin decided to create a new project. To cooperate, he invited folk musician Paul Kantner, blues guitarist Jorma Kaukonen Finnish descent, and jazz singer and Scandinavian origin Tolley Signe Anderson.

Were invited bass player and drummer, but their names do not need a special mention, as they soon left the band. The band's debut took place August 13, 1965 at the Club Matrix Club in San Francisco. Initially, the band focused on the music and style of artists such as The Beatles, The Byrds, Lovin 'Spoonful and some others. This is understandable, because at least the first two were so popular in the US (The Byrds while doing their first steps). Soon, however, the band began to develop JA his own style, which is quite pronounced on their first record - Jefferson Airplane Takes Off. Intoxicated by drugs, musicians inclined to psychedelic rock, with which it was extremely convenient to express their vision of drugs (in the literature refers to the psychedelic rock that arose under the influence of LSD).

JA musicians were not the best instrumentalists, but in a short time they were able to develop his own unique style, its special, well-recognizable sound. In the autumn of 1965, the group has changed. Place the drummer Skip Spence won and became the bass player Jack Kesidi.


At the same time signed a recording contract with RCA Victor. Debut album was published September 1, 1966. Despite the fact that she was able to take only 128 th place in the national charts, it was not so bad. Its main numbers began Let Me In, It's No Secret, Tobacco Road, and Let's Get Together. Shortly after the release of this album, the band left the Skip Spence and Anderson. They called for the replacement drummer Spencer Dryden and charming singer with a powerful voice, Grace Slick, begins in the group The Great Society. The second plate group - Surrealistic Pillow - was released in February 1967.

Quite unexpectedly, she won 3rd place in the US charts. In many ways, this contributed to the song Somebody To Love and White Rabbit, which became big hits. Visio samouchitelj pdf.

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