Lineage 2 Enchant Calculator


Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C) Grade: none When enchanted, the P. Corel painter download. Of C-Grade weapons such as one-handed swords and blunt weapons, daggers and spears increases by 3.

Atk of two-handed swords and blunt weapons, dualswords, and two-handed fist-fighting weapons increases by 4. Of bow weapons increases by 6. Of all weapons increases by 3. Bonus will double for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3.

Increases the P. Of C-Grade armor or accessories by 1, and from +4, the P. Download game prehistoric tribes java jar 320x240. Def will increase by 3. It can be safely enchanted up to +3. One-piece type armor can be safely enchanted up to +4. If one's attempt for enchanting fails, an item will not become crystallized. However, the current enchant value will be set to 0. Item Enchanting. Mid-level and rare items can be enchanted with 'Scroll: Enchant Weapon' and 'Scroll: Enchant Armor'. There are separate Enchant Scrolls for each grade. Common items, shadow items and no-grade items cannot be enchanted. Enchantment is safe up to +3, for whole armor – up to +4.