Microsoft Update Error Code 80070bc9 Windows
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Magnusmaster, * First & foremost I recommend you only do a few updates at a time. Set Windows to notify you of updates but YOU choose which to do & when. * Certain Security software can cause updating issues. To find out if 3rd party software is causing the updates to fail to install > configure the system to Clean boot and then check for updates.
* You could also try resetting Windows Update Components. To do this: 1.
Click on the following link: 2. Click Run in the File Download dialog box, and then follow the steps in the Fix it wizard. * Instead of using Windows Update try the SP1 Download: For 32-Bit Windows 7 download: windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe For 64-Bit Windows 7 download: windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe * Windows 7 - Service Pack 1 – How to install Step by Step * Email support via Microsoft Tech. I got errors 80070BC9 and C355 when trying to install SP1, security updates KB2478661 and KB2556352 and Internet Explorer 9 with Windows Update. I use Windows 7 Professional x64. I tried to install the updates manually, used the Windows Update Readyness and FixIt tools, and to reinstall the Windows Update agent from the command line as administrator with the /wuforce option. Nothing worked.
I uploaded the checksur.log. Can you fix this please?
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Hi Magnusmaster and welcome This error is usually associated with a malware or firewall application. Please read this issue and fix here Btw your checksur.log file is almost empty and contains no really usefull information. Beat me again Jan. Jan, I've tried the fixes from both posts in this topic, they didn't work. I then ran the update readiness tool again but it never took off, the progress bar stuck at 0%, so I decided to cancel the operation, which was taking forever as well.
In the end I used the task manager to force it to close. Terrible mistake. I'm running the tool one more time and this is what happens: It starts by showing a little window saying that Windows Update Standalone Installer is 'searching for updates on this computer.'
Along with a green flash moving across a bar (you know, the generic 'it's doing something'bar that doens't show the progress itself. After a few seconds, another window saying 'Do you want to install the followinf Windows software update' pops up. The update displayed is 'Hotfix for Windows (KB947821)'. I click 'Yes'. Then it says something about 'copying packages.' (I can't read it completely as it lasts less than a second. An error pops up: 'installer encountered an error: 0x80240009'.
I click OK and it closes. ------------ What else can I say? Well, windows update shows that '4 important updates selected' are awaiting to be installed: Security Update for.NET Framework 3.5.1 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems (KB2478661) Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2556532) Windows 7 Service Pack 1 for x64- based Systems (KB976932) Windows Internet Explorer 9 for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems I've attached some of the files I found in my C: Windows Logs CBS folder. One (CBS.log) is several MB in size and doens't fall within the 2MB limit of this site.
Others are 'cabinet files' (what are those about??) and are not accepted on here either. I've seen from other posts that data from the checksur.log file can be used to manually create a fix for the update errors but apparently the update readiness tool could not finish the file and it shows up messed up. Well at least that's what I think. I have tried EVERY solution in Microsoft's website, they simply don't work.