Revolution Slider Jquery Download

Slider Revolution Responsive Jquery. Contribute to marsanla/SliderRevolution development by creating an account on GitHub. Slider Revolution allows you to easily export/import your sliders. It's always a good. file containing the demo slider will be downloaded to your computer.

How to start This chapter will gives you general instructions on how to install the slider and setup the options. Later chapters will be more detailed if needed. Pp2000 keygen rar password key What files do I need to upload to my server? Please upload the rs-plugin folder to your server.

In this folder you will find the following subfolders containing all of the items content: • js • css • assets You could use your own jQuery but we recommend loading it directly from the Google ressources (see later in this documentation). You will find many examples in your downloaded zip under the examples&sources folder. Implement the jQuery Add the following lines to your HTML Head. • delay The time one slide stays on the screen in Milliseconds. Global Setting. You can set per Slide extra local delay time via the data-delay in the element (Default: 9000) • startheight This Height of the Grid where the Captions are displayed in Pixel.

This Height is the Max height of Slider in Fullwidth Layout and in Responsive Layout. In Fullscreen Layout the Gird will be centered Vertically in case the Slider is higher then this value. • startwidth This Height of the Grid where the Captions are displayed in Pixel. This Width is the Max Width of Slider in Responsive Layout. In Fullscreen and in FullWidth Layout the Gird will be centered Horizontally in case the Slider is wider then this value.

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Navigation Settings: • onHoverStop Possible Values: 'on', 'off' - Stop the Timer if mouse is hovering the Slider. Caption animations are not stopped!! They will just play to the end. • thumbWidth / thumbHeight The width and height of the thumbs in pixel. Thumbs are not responsive from basic. For Responsive Thumbs you will need to create media qury based thumb sizes.

• thumbAmount The Amount of visible Thumbs in the same time. The rest of the thumbs are only visible on hover, or at slide change. • hideThumbs 0 - Never hide Thumbs. 1000- 100000 (ms) hide thumbs and navigation arrows, bullets after the predefined ms (1000ms == 1 sec, 1500 == 1,5 sec etc.) • navigationType Display type of the navigation bar (Default:'none') Possible values are: 'bullet', 'thumb', 'none' • navigationArrows Display position of the Navigation Arrows (Default: 'nexttobullets') Possible values are 'nexttobullets', 'solo' nexttobullets - arrows added next to the bullets left and right solo - arrows can be independent positioned, see further options • navigationStyle Look of the navigation bullets if navigationType 'bullet' selected. Possible values: 'round', 'square', 'round-old', 'square-old', 'navbar-old' • navigationHAlign, navigationVAlign Vertical and Horizontal Align of the Navigation bullets / thumbs (depending on which Style has been selected). Possible values navigationHAlign: 'left','center','right' and naigationVAlign: 'top','center','bottom' • navigationHOffset navigationVOffset The Offset position of the navigation depending on the aligned position. From -1000 to +1000 any value in px.